
Friday, February 21, 2014


                                        "You only live once but if you do it right once is enough"

YOLO! we've all heard it at some point but only think about it superficially.We make it so as if you only have one chance to do everything in life and you just can't get enough of it.
That is a materialistic approach and obviously it's going to leave you wanting more and more.
This specific quote beautifully describes that this one life you've been given is for a reason.You have the opportunity to make something of it only if you approach it with the right mindset.And it's not that hard either.All you have to do is keep a positive mental attitude spread love and kindness instead of hate and jealousy.
At the end of the day YOU are the one living your life and YOU have the power to take it towards any direction you want it to go.Just believe in yourself and trust GOD to help you along the way.
Trust me on this one.If you fully put your trust in GOD he will Never Ever fail you Garunteed no matter what :)

Till next time Be Awesome and.......Stay Awesome! ;)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Keep Calm and Hakuna Matata :)

"You cannot find Peace by avoiding life" - Virginia Woolf.

This really sums up advice for all those that are trying to get away from the usual difficulties of Life.Now i am by no means saying that dealing with these daily headaches is easy or that you deserve them,What needs to be understood is that certain things although they may seem as if they are making our lives miserable they are actually what make us into a stronger,wiser,and all in all a more better person overall.
And trust me i get it that hearing these things like, 'this will pass' 'it's all for the better' from people while i'm actually going through certain things is just plain frustrating.BUT when i look back into my life i REALIZE that all the ignorance,scolding,lonliness,frustration with people,unpopularity and much Much more are the things that have made me into the person i am today.Alot more.......Better,Happier,and a strong indivisual
All of these problems have taught me to face life with a positive attitude and show it who's boss and by the time you've gone past these phases you'll be thankful to God for those little instances that made you think Life was over.Don't overreact and keep Faith,All really is well.


"This too shall pass" -Sufi saying.

There is a sufi narrative that once a King requested all the wise men of his Kingdom to develop something, create a saying that will stabilise his inner state.When he is sad it'll bring him joy and when he is happy it reminds him of.....sadness.He also urged them not to make it too long since he wished to keep it with him at all times and wherever he went.
The wise men contemplated deeply on the King's command and finally returned presenting a small box.The King opened it with curiosity and excitement.Inside was a RING with the inscription
'This too shall Pass'.
That's right no matter in whatever situation you may be in it's certainly not permanent and will soon pass, leaving you to become a stronger person with Unleashed potential.
So don't grieve over difficult times and always hope for the best.....hope and faith matters but at the same time never leave happy times by themselves,cherish them,live them fully so they'll remain with you for the rest of your life.Always be thankful for them never take them for granted :) .
"Take time to do what makes you happy"

Everyday we might forget the importance of Taking it easy and not over stressing ourselves.Take time to pamper yourself and don't always try to be the person that pleases everyone.Trust me i've been there and it's not worth it.I know there are very few people that really appreciate you and don't take advantage of you.Don't give them the upper hand and keep yourself and your loved ones a priority.
Do whatever you feel like and even though this may sound cliche but here goes.........Follow your heart :).

"Hakuna Matata" -Timon and Pumba (Lion King/Disney)

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem free
The lion king was one of my favourite movies growing up and still is but there are somethings we can learn from cartoon movies like these and especially early Disney. And it's that Life is a journey,an adventure that's full of Joys and sorrows alike.There can be hard times and easy times but make sure you end up living a happily ever after story instead of something else.
And remember it's never too late to change.
"Look inside yourself.You are more than what you have become" -Mufasa (Lion King)

"What strange illusion its is to suppose that Beauty is good" -Leo Tolsloy.

Today we put a lot of focus on external beauty.Nowadays people 'easy on the eyes' get a lot more perks and somehow manage to get everything more so than so called 'average people'.We need to realize that true beauty comes from the heart (i'm trying really hard not to sound like a meditative monk far away in the mountains :p :D ).
Now just ask yourself this.2 individuals in front of you. 1 of them considered really good looking and the other not so much but the former has no sense of social interaction, is selfish,rude and not easy to be around with while the latter is decent,confident,knows how to talk talk,educated and has manners.Honestly who would you consider better.I don't need to answer now do i ;).
Infact in Islam (forget the stereotypes you see in the media) the best among people are those that are the best in Character and people are not judged on the basis of their Family lineage, wealth and looks etc.

So guys that's it for today hope you like them and till next time remember
'Be Awesome...........and STAY Awesome'

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quote of the Day 18th Feb. 2014

"Do not feel lonely,The entire Universe in inside you." -RUMI.
I would firstly like to say i am a huge fan of RUMI. He is a world renowed Sufi mystic and poet of the 13th century.His main focus was on divine Love and union with God.
This particular quote however resonates with the Law of Attraction (google 'the secret if you havn't heard about it yet) and states that you don't have to feel everything at a distance.each and everything is inside of you,infact the whole universe is and you just have to ask.I wanted the first 'Qotd' (quote of the day) to be about him since his sayings are just what we need in todays day and age of hardships and struggle.I can write alot about the Law of attraction and how it works to get you whatever you want to experience in life but that's for another post.
So next time you find something that's bothering you or any difficulty in life just remember that the INCREDIBLE POWER of the UNIVERSE and GOD is with you so never ever lose faith :) .

Be in The Now! and cherish it

"There are certain emotions in your body that not even your best friend can sympathize with,but you will find the right film or the right book and it will understand you"

This one is simply trying to convey the message that sometimes even the ones you consider really close to you can't quite understand what you're going through.It says you occasionally need some time to yourself to figure things out but.....don't ever be dissappointed if you can't because answers WILL come in the most unexpected ways.

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right,for you'll be criticized anyway" - Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt knew following your heart and doing what feels right was the thing to do.Don't ever be told you're not good enough to do something or you don't deserve certain things.Just go for it, grab every chance and opportunity you can find but most important of all Want it with all your heart and be surprised at how easy attaining it becomes.....Since you're going to be judged anyway (cuz that's what people do.....they judge :p ) forget everything and make an intent to do just that.

"Welcome to today.....Another Day,Another Chance Feel free to Change" -Unknown

Yes that's right, it's hard to realize that each and every day you experience is another chance to make the changes you so desire.And anyway we all know tomorrow is never coming (in terms of getting things done) so get off your couch and just make the first step (more on this below).

"You don't have to see the whole staircase just take the first step" -Martin Luther King jr.
This is a really famous one from Martin luther king jr. He couldn't be more right when he said this.I mean he is spot on you don't have to know the end result, you don't have to think about the consequences or simply put you don't have to worry.In fact all you need to do is start....that's right just start,have faith, a clear goal and be determined to get to where you want.

"Be present,it is the only moment that matters"

This is a Gem also found to be frequently said by the Sufi Mystics of Islam.It states that the past is gone, the future is to be found, but the present, is to be cherished since it is actually the only thing you're in control of.That's right you can't go back and change the past, you can't go into the future to find out about certain matters but by being aware of the present and controlling what you do,think about,focus on , you are learning from the past to shape a better future not only for yourself but also for the people/loved ones around you.


Hey Guys this is an introduction to a new blog i'm starting and basically it's meant to help you get an idea of what 'Quoteverse' is going to be all about.So without boring you from the very start i'll go straight into it and show you whats's up with all this.

Firstly 'Quoteverse' is going to be a blog that gives you a daily dose of that really essential Inspiration you need to kickstart you're day.And please keep in mind that the different quotes i'll be putting up don't just put you in false hope for a little while,these things actually do (literally) change the way you think,act,feel and ultimately live.You only need to BELIEVE.

Second, the posts arn't going to be your usual 'this is life deal with it' or 'Blood,sweat and tears is how you survive' kind of thing, they're going to be alot more uplifting and will surely make your day....Garunteed! ;)
Finally 5 different ones will be put up daily along with a quote of the day which will be chosen by 'yours truly' (that's me if you didn't notice :D ).

Now this site is going to get 'renovated',for the lack of a better word, as time goes on and there are going to be alot more options available as well.
So for now this is it but be sure to stay tuned.....Have an awesome day :) .

Yes be awesome and..........Stay Awesome!! ;)