
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be in The Now! and cherish it

"There are certain emotions in your body that not even your best friend can sympathize with,but you will find the right film or the right book and it will understand you"

This one is simply trying to convey the message that sometimes even the ones you consider really close to you can't quite understand what you're going through.It says you occasionally need some time to yourself to figure things out but.....don't ever be dissappointed if you can't because answers WILL come in the most unexpected ways.

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right,for you'll be criticized anyway" - Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt knew following your heart and doing what feels right was the thing to do.Don't ever be told you're not good enough to do something or you don't deserve certain things.Just go for it, grab every chance and opportunity you can find but most important of all Want it with all your heart and be surprised at how easy attaining it becomes.....Since you're going to be judged anyway (cuz that's what people do.....they judge :p ) forget everything and make an intent to do just that.

"Welcome to today.....Another Day,Another Chance Feel free to Change" -Unknown

Yes that's right, it's hard to realize that each and every day you experience is another chance to make the changes you so desire.And anyway we all know tomorrow is never coming (in terms of getting things done) so get off your couch and just make the first step (more on this below).

"You don't have to see the whole staircase just take the first step" -Martin Luther King jr.
This is a really famous one from Martin luther king jr. He couldn't be more right when he said this.I mean he is spot on you don't have to know the end result, you don't have to think about the consequences or simply put you don't have to worry.In fact all you need to do is start....that's right just start,have faith, a clear goal and be determined to get to where you want.

"Be present,it is the only moment that matters"

This is a Gem also found to be frequently said by the Sufi Mystics of Islam.It states that the past is gone, the future is to be found, but the present, is to be cherished since it is actually the only thing you're in control of.That's right you can't go back and change the past, you can't go into the future to find out about certain matters but by being aware of the present and controlling what you do,think about,focus on , you are learning from the past to shape a better future not only for yourself but also for the people/loved ones around you.

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